Over the past year, I have done a lot of soul searching regarding the impact of my lifestyle on the planet. I’ve learned a lot about government and politics, the environment, who does good and who does bad, and the shifts that are taking place in the energy sector around the world. I’m also a SAHM (“stay at home mom”) to two pre-school toddlers, a gardener and a wannabe minimalist so I don’t have a lot of time to engage in a great deal of environmental action. I’ve found that the most satisfying way for me to make a difference is to take what I’ve learned about the big environmental issues, trace my tiny actions in everyday life towards their source, and determine if what I’m doing is right according to my core values. I’ve made many changes and the most exciting has been to reduce my power bill by more than 30% just by changing my habits. I hope you’ll join me in a “Bring Down the Average Challenge.”