Clinical Services - Referral Required
A referral or an order is required from a physician or nurse practitioner for the following:
- X-ray and Lab Services (on-site blood and specimen collection)
- Physiotherapy
- Holter monitoring (heart test)
- 24 Hour blood pressure monitoring
- Nursing Services (i.e. wound care)
- Clinical Telehealth Services
A referral is not required for the following:
- Nutrition Counselling
- Social Worker
- Diabetes Education
- Smoking Cessation Program
- Respiratory Therapy
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Education
Albert County Community Health Centre
8 Forestdale Rd, Riverside-Albert
Phone number: 882-3100
Mon.-Thurs.: 7:00am- 4:30pm
Friday: 8:00am-4:30pm
Lab and Specimen Drop-off:
Riverside-Albert: Mon.-Thurs. 7-11:30am
Hillsborough (2807 Main St.): Tues. & Thurs. 8:30-11:30am
The Bennett and Albert County Health Care (BACH) Foundation raises funds to support the services provided by the Albert County Community Health Centre including equipment and staff education.