There’s a point, deep in the isolation of a storm-heavy winter, when the toys have all been played with, the books have all been read, and the movies have all been watched. Coffee isn’t enough to keep a parent going anymore. The kids have eaten all the leftover Christmas chocolate, discovered where we hid the permanent markers, and are redoing the living room walls with a series of sloppy stick figures.
You need to get out of the house and so do the kids.
This year, Tele-Drive is making it easy. In partnership with Education and Early Childhood Development - Government of New Brunswick - NB Literacy Strategy, from Jan 24th to March 31st, 2018 they will drive you and your children to the library and any early literacy event in Albert County for the low, low price of free. This includes Literacy Express in Hillsborough and the new Parent-Child Mother Goose Program in Riverside-Albert. Catch a ride to the Hillsborough Library to stock on books and movies, or to attend Storytime and Babies in the Library with other families and have fun.