November was a busy month at the club with the staff from Cape Enrage holding their year-end party at the club and the Riverside-Albert Volunteer Fire Department hosting their annual event, as well as Chase the Ace every Friday from 6:00-7:30pm. The jackpot has grown to over $3,000 so be sure to drop in for your chance to win some extra Christmas cash!
Speaking of Christmas, a membership to the Fundy Curling Club makes a perfect gift for yourself or for those on your list who would like to learn the sport of curling or get back into the game. Offering a fun and relaxed atmosphere, affordable membership rates and the opportunity to curl 1,2 or 3 times per week for the same great price, the Fundy Curling Club is the place to be this winter! Membership rates, dates and other details will be posted at the club on 16 Mill Street, Riverside-Albert, on, and on flyers throughout the community by December 1st. Regular league play is scheduled to begin the first week of January.
We look forward to seeing returning members at the club this year and welcoming new members as our club continues to grow. Thanks for all your support and see you on the ice!
Alan Demaline for the Fundy Curling Club.