The Fundy Curling Club is buzzing with excitement early in 2025 which is shaping up to be a record- breaking year in many ways for the club. Let’s jump right into sharing all the great news from New Brunswick’s finest two sheet curling facility located right here in the idyllic community of Fundy Albert!

The amount of support for the FCC has always been incredible and this year is no exception. Local businesses continue to show their support by adorning the walls of the ice surface with myriad colourful signs showcasing the very best the province has to offer. With humble beginnings in 2018, our Wrap the Rink sign sponsor program has grown to a record breaking 27 participants. Be sure to keep an eye on our Facebook page as we will be highlighting each of our sponsors in the coming weeks. There are only 2 spots left available at the club so if you would like to get the word out about your fantastic business, don’t delay, as the rink will soon be fully wrapped!
Have you driven by the club on a Sunday afternoon and wonder why the parking lot is packed? The FCC is thrilled to tell you the reason is Sunday is youth curling day at the club. The Little Rocks curling program for ages 6 to 12 has hit record high participation numbers and is now fully booked with 22 participants. Established in 2018, it has taken just seven years to grow into one of, if not the most successful Little Rocks program in New Brunswick. When you enter the clubhouse, excitement fills the air while our young curlers are getting ready. As they step onto the ice, the rink vibrates with enthusiasm and smiles burst from curlers and coaches alike! Building on the success of Little Rocks, we also have an amazing U18 team made up of young ladies who all formerly played in Little Rocks. It is incredible to watch them as their abilities and skills have continued to develop. Playing not only on Sunday afternoons, they are also a force to be reckoned with in our adult evening leagues! A huge thanks to the Bennett and Albert Health Care Foundation for believing in our vision back in 2018 and the continued support of youth curling. Without their generous donations through the years of Little Rocks curling stones, brooms and sliders, our youth programs would not be what they are today!
Adult curling at the FCC is also at record levels not seen in decades! Boasting registration numbers that are surely higher than any similar sized community in New Brunswick, it is no wonder we feel the FCC is the number one two sheet club in the province. Our evening curling leagues are all off to a phenomenal start with a record number of rookie curlers joining our crafty veterans. Both joined forces on January 4th to make our Get Acquainted bonspiel a tremendous success.
As the snow and cold of February starts to take hold in Fundy Albert, here at the FCC things will only be heating up! The Mixed Bonspiel is our largest event of the season and is scheduled to take place February 14th, 15th and 16th. Over three days, teams will battle it out in an effort to come out on top. Alongside the curling action, the clubhouse will be filled with tales of monumental shots, the aroma of delicious meals, but most of all the conversation and laughter between old and new friends alike. Whether you are curling or not, be sure to drop into the club over the weekend to be part of the excitement!
Until next month, remember to always step down with your sticky foot and keep your broom on the ice!