Hey you tea-and-toast mavens and coffee-and-a-smoke in the morning men! Or anyone without much kitchen and even less groceries! Got three minutes to lose that mid morning crash? Here's what you do:
First thing after you put the coffee on, reach in the back of the cupboard, pull out a solid cheap coffee mug, fill two thirds with cold water, and nuke for 1 minute.
Remove the mug, crack a local Albert County farm egg over the edge of the mug, and slide her in there.
Don't forget to poke the yolk with a fork a couple of times so it doesn’t blow!
Nuke another minute, remove, and let stand for about a minute depending on how you like your yolk.
Drain the water through a fork, add salt and pepper, swirl in some butter if you have any.
Pick away at the white with the fork. As you get to the yolk it might be hot, so give it a fast cold water rinse, and sink it all down.
There you go - three minutes toward feeling better all morning!