Anyone can fall, but falls increase in likelihood and seriousness as we age. It is important to recognize that falls are NOT a normal part of ageing. They can be a sign of health concerns, issues, or illnesses. Falls should never be overlooked.
Falls in older adults can lead to serious negative health outcomes and they are the leading cause of injury and hospitalization for older adults.
If you are, or someone you love is, an older adult, it is never too early to educate yourself on fall risk factors. You can do this by accessing the Fall Prevention Toolkit, which can help you take action to prevent falls in order to stay independent. If you have, or someone you love has, fallen - even just once - it is imperative to talk to your healthcare provider, do a risk assessment, and take action, so you can maintain quality of life for years to come.
Go to to access resources and the Fall Prevention Toolkit,, or talk to your primary healthcare provider. For information on government programs and services available to older adults in New Brunswick, visit, call Social Development at 1-833-733-7835 or call 2-1-1.