On Dec 2, Urban/Rural Rides held their annual Driver Appreciation Event at the Riverview Lions Club. The volunteers give their time throughout the year to help others, so it is important to take time to thank them and acknowledge their generosity.
A delicious breakfast was prepared by volunteers of the Riverview Lions Club. Several door prizes donated by local businesses such as Universal Accessories, National Tire Distributors and others were well received by those who won them.
Volunteers were presented with certificates of appreciation and gifts. A client testimony was shared and one of the volunteers, Louise, shared
what being a volunteer means to her and how it has impacted her life. A video of her story is on our Facebook page and website for viewing.
The volunteer drivers are what makes this program work and they truly do change lives one ride at a time with their kindness, generosity and willingness to help others. Words are not enough to express how much they are appreciated.
If you would like to be part of the team of amazing volunteers, please call 962-3073 or visit the website at urbanruralrides.ca