My last article for Connecting Albert County was written in May of 2018. At that time, I thanked our volunteers for their continued support and dedication to our residents here at Forest Dale Home (FDH). My article contained much praise and appreciation for their contributions -- many programs are only possible with the help of our volunteers.

Over the past year, our windows have been a passage for our residents to connect with the outside world. The graduating class of 2020 did a prom procession around the home while dressed in their beautiful gowns and tuxedos. Trick-or-treaters dressed in costume picked up clues from the residents’ windows to complete a Hallowe’en Treasure Hunt. In December, two local groups Albert Career Development Centre and Riverside-Albert Volunteer Fire Department) volunteered to do a mini-version of a Santa Claus Parade around the building as well. Thankfully, the staff at FDH made Christmas a little extra special this past year by providing gifts and participating in special festive activities, taking on the roles that our volunteers usually do during that time of year.

Before COVID, they were active participants in our curling games, baking activities, and weekly walking program. Alan is also a member of the Board of Directors. They’ve created a different platform to connect with the residents of Forest Dale Home. Thankfully our winter remained manageable for Elaine and Alan to snowshoe from window to window. The wind and rain in Riverside-Albert can be harsh, but with Elaine’s Rapunzel-length hair and Alan enduring the pandemic with his self-groomed hairstyle, residents were regularly treated to other forms of entertainment like snow angels, juggling, a snowball fight, dancing, birthday greetings, and interesting conversations to add excitement to the day.

We would like to thank all of the volunteers who have come to the home over the last year. We would like to commend Elaine and Alan in particular for their dedication and commitment and for being a shining light each week in the windows of our home.