[email protected] 506-229-2244 (call or texts welcome!)
A lot of my work lately has been focusing on collaboration, whether that be with local partners in the communities I serve, or with colleagues within our larger South-East region. There have been increased efforts to ensure we are collaborating to share work, resources, knowledge and to create partnerships that better support our communities.
One of these local collaborations has been with Caledonia Regional High School. Partners have come together to support the staff and students in developing stronger bonds between the school, the health centre, and the community. I’m proud to say that we’ve shared a lot of great ideas and have seen some projects come to light in the year or so we’ve been working together: The community and school joined forces to raise funds for the updates to the soccer field; the United Way’s day of caring organized volunteers who dedicated time to beautifying the school grounds; and we hosted a tea social last spring, where community was invited to the school to share refreshments and learn about local community resources. There are some other projects on the horizon that we are excited to share with you soon.
With the mission of creating pride in community and supporting high school students to explore future career opportunities, we’d like to invite folks who’ve graduated and continue to live in the Fundy Albert area to come in to speak with the students about their experiences after graduating, the careers they chose, and why they choose to continue to live in the area. If you’d be interested in this project and sharing with the students, please call the school at (506) 734-3710 to schedule a visit with the Guidance Counselor, Heather Lean.