Health care, especially affordable dental care, is a very common inquiry for 211 Service Navigators. They are always happy to give information on new programs that can help their callers and can even directly connect them with the program that they are seeking.
The caller did not wish to take down the phone number and instead asked the Service Navigator to make a direct transfer to the program. The Service Navigator was, of course, happy to do this. She made a warm transfer to the program’s contact centre, and she was able to connect the caller with an agent who proceeded to answer her questions about the plan.
After the call, the Service Navigator reflected that it is always important to offer the caller the contact information to a specific program, so that they have it for later reference. However, when callers simply wish to be connected directly by transfer to the right program, it is important to respect their preferences in how they receive information. 211 can meet you where you’re at.
When you’re not sure where to turn to find the help that you need, remember that help starts here, with 211. Our information and referral arefree, confidential, and available 24/7 in over 150 languages.
You can reach Daniela Fernandez at [email protected] or by calling 506-858-8600 Ext. 3670