In January of 2024, the CCRC in conjunction with the ACTB hosted a public meeting at the Fundy Curling Club to determine if there was public interest and support to pursue the development of a sanctioned ATV trail in lower Albert County. This meeting was a success and at the January ACTB member meeting the plan was adopted by the club.
Work to develop this trail has been ongoing since then. In March, a presentation was made to the Village of Fundy Albert from which a working group was developed, including two members of Village Council. Their first meeting was held in May to determine next steps in preparation for presentation to the community for input, routes, etc. The "tentative" trail has been tracked and submitted to Quad NB and DTI for review, comments and landowner identification. Landowner permissions are not assumed, and the tentative track may need to be altered several times before the final trail is determined. An application has been submitted to Fundy National Park for the use of the 45 and Old Shepody Rd to be a part of this trail system. The development process is complicated and will require many ongoing conversations with various stakeholders, government departments and, most importantly, landowners.
joining our communities with a safe and well-maintained trail. It will also benefit SENBSA as a significant portion of the
tentative tracked trail uses winter snowmobile trails. Summer maintenance will keep trails in better shape come snow fall
and help with bridges and infrastructure work. Once this trail is finally developed, sanctioned and signed, we know that
visitors will want to come and explore our area creating exciting opportunities for existing and new business owners alike.
As with any project, one of the first hurdles is funding. With that in mind, the CCRC and the Fundy Curling Club have
agreed to share 15% of the revenues from our next Chase the Ace licence to be earmarked specifically for this ATV trail
development project. The new licence should start around the first of November, and we are very excited to have Cooke's
Country Store in Hillsborough come on board as a new ticket sales location.
You can support this project by purchasing Chase the Ace tickets during the next round. If you would like to volunteer to
help with trail development and planning or if you are a business and are interested in supporting or helping with this
initiative, please contact the CCRC at [email protected].