Betty Weir lives in Salisbury with her two girls and works as a bus driver for the Anglophone East School District. She cares about youth, their safety and their development and is very enthusiastic to wear the NDP colors in the upcoming elections. Betty wants to stop privatization of our province, fight for a $15 minimum wage and offer solutions, like more affordable childcare, to help families who are struggling.
“Being a single mother for several years, I have to work two or three jobs in order to support my family. It’s time for this to end, it’s time to give a better life to New Brunswick workers and families.
"I am an extremely hard worker and will work hard for you as a MLA for Albert County and do everything in my power to achieve the NDP goals.
"We need to raise minimum wage up to $15/hour. Service workers, public servants and everyone in the province need better wages. Families are working harder than ever but falling further behind: too many people have to choose between rent and food.
"We spend outrageous money to privatize road construction companies for bad roads. There's been many times that the DTI has proven to them that they can do it cheaper and better but the corruption in the government won't allow this as they need to line their pockets from the privatized companies.
"The NDP plan for childcare in schools is good for families in Albert County. Parents here are looking for a childcare solution that fits into their lives, that works for them, and is developed specifically for their community, at an affordable cost for families. With a childcare plan like the one proposed by the NDP, parents would be able to feed their kids and maybe have a little extra money to take them to a movie or something. Parents will be able to spend more time with their children and less time working two or three jobs in order to pay for daycare.
"I am a very hard worker and I'm willing to put everything I've got into doing my best. I might be little, but I have a big voice and it’s going to be heard!”