9:30 a.m. Draft Horse – Line Classes
Judge for Show – Blair Thorne
Southeastern Mutual Insurance, CR Yardworks
Shur Gain, Atlantic Lottery Corporation, Sussex Co-op
12:00 p.m. Exhibition Hall - open until 8 p.m.
12:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – For Good Health’s Sake, Run, Jump, Shake!
The Albert County Health & Wellness Centre is giving an interactive
presentation with activities and information on: memory, physical
activity, falls prevention
1:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Maple Sugar
musical entertainment until 2:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m. Draft Horse – Light Team
Kelly’s Bake Shop
3:00 p.m. Draft Horse – Heavy Team
All-Weys Doors
4:00 p.m. Draft Horse – Unicorn Hitch
Broadleaf Guest Ranch
4:30 p.m. Dinner at Dining Hall – Turkey
Continues until 7 p.m.
6:30 p.m. Draft Horse – Farm Team
In memory of Howard and Pearl Stuart
7:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Country Café until 9:30 p.m.
Sit & chat while enjoying a tea, coffee or hot chocolate
7:45 p.m. Drill Team
Alliance Building Contractors
8:00 p.m. Official Opening
Guest Speaker –
8:15 p.m. Queen Pageant
Thank you to all sponsors
9:00p.m. Light Horse Show Judge-Amy Colpitts
-Bat Race 12 & under
Mike’s Hair Shop
-Bat Race Junior
Mike’s Hair Shop
-Bat Race Senior
Mike’s Hair Shop
9:15 a.m. School Activities, Sports, Games
Bell Aliant, Atlantic Lottery Corporation, Kelly’s Bake Shop
Shepody Fish & Game, Ed’s Welding & Contracting,
Leslie Tracy, Kevin Williams Financial, CR Yardworks
12:00 p.m. Exhibition Hall - open until 8 p.m.
12:30 p.m. Entertainment - TBA
1:00 p.m. Oxen Display
1:30 p.m. Beef Show
Southeastern Farmer’s Co-op, Shur Gain Feeds ‘n Needs,
Southeastern Mutual Insurance, Sussex Co-op
3:00 p.m. Draft Horse – Single Horse Hitch
Atlantic Underground Services
4:00 p.m. Draft Horse – Tandem Hitch
Southeastern Farmer’s Co-op
4:30 p.m. Dinner at Dining Hall – Roast Beef
Continues until 7 p.m.
4:45 p.m. Light Horse Show Judge-Amy Colpitts
-Big T 12 & under -Crazy Eight 12 & under
Village of Riverside-Albert Shepody Bay Inn
-Big T Junior -Crazy Eight Junior
CR Yardworks Kevin Williams Financial
-Big T Senior -Crazy Eight Senior
Leslie Tracy Green Coast Energy
6:00 p.m. Draft Horse – Ladies Driving Competition
Aubrey Stiles Trust
6:45 p.m. Draft Horse – Junior Driving Competition
Broadleaf Guest Ranch
7:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Country Café until 9:30 p.m.
Sit & chat while enjoying a tea, coffee or hot chocolate
7:00 p.m. Oulton Hall - Walk-In Bingo
runs to 9:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m. Entertainment – Wheelbarrow Race
CR Yardworks
8:30 p.m. Horse Pull –Triple
All Weys Doors, Arbing Equipment, Green Diamond,
Blakney Fuels
8:00 a.m. 4-H Interclub Competition
Southeastern Farmer’s Co-op, Gerry & Donna
Atlantic Lottery Corporation, Broadleaf Guest Ranch
Green Diamond Equipment, Sussex Co-op
O’Reilley Foods Ltd. (in memory of Charles Stuart)
11:00 a.m. Parade
Bell Aliant, Kelly’s Bake Shop, Ed’s Welding,
Shepody Fish & Game, Atlantic Lottery Corporation,
CR Yardworks, Village of Riverside-Albert, Leslie Tracy
12:00 p.m. Exhibition Hall - open until 8 p.m.
12:30 p.m. Dinner at Dining Hall – Turkey
Continues until 7 p.m.
12:30 p.m. Light Horse Show Judge – Amy Colpitts
-Stake Race 12 yrs. & under -Egg & Spoon 12 yrs. & under
Kelly’s Bake Shop Shepody Lioness
-Stake Race junior -Egg & Spoon junior
Green Coast Energy Bell Aliant
-Stake Race senior -Egg & Spoon senior
Shur Gain Feeds N Needs Arbing Equipment
-Keyhole Race 12 yrs. & under -Ribbon Race 12 yrs. & under
Crawford Appliance Service Atlantic Lottery Corporation
-Keyhole Race junior -Ribbon Race junior
Sussex Co-op Ponderosa Pines Campground
-Keyhole Race senior -Ribbon Race senior
Atlantic Underground Services Broadleaf Guest Ranch
1:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Magician
2:00 p.m. Oulton Hall - Country Café until 4 p.m.
Sit & chat while enjoying a tea, coffee or hot chocolate
2:30 p.m. Draft Horse – Percy Gladstone Memorial
Best Overall Team
3:30 p.m. Lawn Tractor
Village of Riverside-Albert
4:00 p.m. ATV Obstacle Course Ages 16 and under
All-Weys Doors, Atlantic underground,
Tidewater Physiotherapy, Advance Savings,
Leslie Tracy, Kevin Williams Financial
5:00 p.m. Draft Horse – 4 In Hand Hitch
in memory of Raymond Dickson
-4 In Hand Driving Competition
Crawford Appliance Service
6:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Country Café until 9 p.m.
Sit and chat while enjoying a tea, coffee or hot chocolate
6:15 p.m. Announcement of Parade Winners
6:20 p.m. Oxen Pull
7:00 p.m. Oulton Hall - “Justin Bannister and Friends”
Country Music Concert until 9:30 p.m.
Justin Bannister (guitar & vocals),Steve Sears (lead guitar & vocals),
Dennis Fifield ( bass guitar & vocals), Bob Burgess (drums & vocals),
Tom Burgess (rhythm guitar & vocals), Crystal Jones (fiddle)
7:30 p.m. Entertainment – Hay Bale Roll
8:30 p.m. Drill Team
9:00 p.m. Light Horse Show
-Open Poles
Atlantic Underground Services
-Open Barrels
Gerry & Donna
9:00 a.m. Light Horse Show Judge –Amy Colpitts
-Relay Race 12 yrs. & under -Poles 12 yrs. & under
CR Yardworks Kelly’s Bake Shop
-Relay Race junior -Poles junior
Arbing Equipment East Coast Energy
-Relay Race senior -Poles senior
Tanya Everett Sussex Co-op
-Dash for Cash 12 yrs. & under -Barrels 12 yrs. & under
Ed’s Welding & Contracting Tidewater Physiotherapy
-Dash for Cash junior -Barrels junior
Atlantic Lottery Corporation Atlantic Underground Services
-Dash for Cash senior -Barrels senior
Village of Riverside-Albert Gerry & Donna
12:00 p.m. Draft Horse – 6 in Hand Hitch
in memory of Vernon Hudson
-6 in Hand Driving Competition
Broadleaf Guest Ranch
1:00 p.m. Dinner at Dining Hall – Roast Beef
Continues until 5 p.m.
1:00 p.m. Exhibition Hall – open until 5 p.m.
1:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Country Cafe
Sit and chat while enjoying a tea, coffee or hot chocolate
1:00 p.m. Light Horse Show
-Costume Class -Lead Line
Shepody Fish & Game Dixon’s Repair Shop
1:30 p.m. Children’s Variety Show
Doll Carriage Parade
Farmer and/or Farmerette
Homemade Fair Themed Costumes
Trucks and Tractors (can also use bicycles)
Ed’s Welding & Contracting, Kelly’s Bake Shop
Atlantic Lottery Corporation, Gerry & Donna,
Leslie Tracy, Kevin Williams Financial,
Village of Riverside-Albert
2:00 p.m. Oxen
2:30 p.m. Horse Pull - Double
All-Weys Doors, Sussex Co-op,
Shur Gain Feeds ‘n Needs, Arbing Equipment,
Blakney Fuels
Don’t forget to get your 50/50 ticket during the pull!!
9:30 a.m. Draft Horse – Line Classes
Judge for Show – Blair Thorne
Southeastern Mutual Insurance, CR Yardworks
Shur Gain, Atlantic Lottery Corporation, Sussex Co-op
12:00 p.m. Exhibition Hall - open until 8 p.m.
12:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – For Good Health’s Sake, Run, Jump, Shake!
The Albert County Health & Wellness Centre is giving an interactive
presentation with activities and information on: memory, physical
activity, falls prevention
1:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Maple Sugar
musical entertainment until 2:30 p.m.
2:00 p.m. Draft Horse – Light Team
Kelly’s Bake Shop
3:00 p.m. Draft Horse – Heavy Team
All-Weys Doors
4:00 p.m. Draft Horse – Unicorn Hitch
Broadleaf Guest Ranch
4:30 p.m. Dinner at Dining Hall – Turkey
Continues until 7 p.m.
6:30 p.m. Draft Horse – Farm Team
In memory of Howard and Pearl Stuart
7:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Country Café until 9:30 p.m.
Sit & chat while enjoying a tea, coffee or hot chocolate
7:45 p.m. Drill Team
Alliance Building Contractors
8:00 p.m. Official Opening
Guest Speaker –
8:15 p.m. Queen Pageant
Thank you to all sponsors
9:00p.m. Light Horse Show Judge-Amy Colpitts
-Bat Race 12 & under
Mike’s Hair Shop
-Bat Race Junior
Mike’s Hair Shop
-Bat Race Senior
Mike’s Hair Shop
9:15 a.m. School Activities, Sports, Games
Bell Aliant, Atlantic Lottery Corporation, Kelly’s Bake Shop
Shepody Fish & Game, Ed’s Welding & Contracting,
Leslie Tracy, Kevin Williams Financial, CR Yardworks
12:00 p.m. Exhibition Hall - open until 8 p.m.
12:30 p.m. Entertainment - TBA
1:00 p.m. Oxen Display
1:30 p.m. Beef Show
Southeastern Farmer’s Co-op, Shur Gain Feeds ‘n Needs,
Southeastern Mutual Insurance, Sussex Co-op
3:00 p.m. Draft Horse – Single Horse Hitch
Atlantic Underground Services
4:00 p.m. Draft Horse – Tandem Hitch
Southeastern Farmer’s Co-op
4:30 p.m. Dinner at Dining Hall – Roast Beef
Continues until 7 p.m.
4:45 p.m. Light Horse Show Judge-Amy Colpitts
-Big T 12 & under -Crazy Eight 12 & under
Village of Riverside-Albert Shepody Bay Inn
-Big T Junior -Crazy Eight Junior
CR Yardworks Kevin Williams Financial
-Big T Senior -Crazy Eight Senior
Leslie Tracy Green Coast Energy
6:00 p.m. Draft Horse – Ladies Driving Competition
Aubrey Stiles Trust
6:45 p.m. Draft Horse – Junior Driving Competition
Broadleaf Guest Ranch
7:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Country Café until 9:30 p.m.
Sit & chat while enjoying a tea, coffee or hot chocolate
7:00 p.m. Oulton Hall - Walk-In Bingo
runs to 9:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m. Entertainment – Wheelbarrow Race
CR Yardworks
8:30 p.m. Horse Pull –Triple
All Weys Doors, Arbing Equipment, Green Diamond,
Blakney Fuels
8:00 a.m. 4-H Interclub Competition
Southeastern Farmer’s Co-op, Gerry & Donna
Atlantic Lottery Corporation, Broadleaf Guest Ranch
Green Diamond Equipment, Sussex Co-op
O’Reilley Foods Ltd. (in memory of Charles Stuart)
11:00 a.m. Parade
Bell Aliant, Kelly’s Bake Shop, Ed’s Welding,
Shepody Fish & Game, Atlantic Lottery Corporation,
CR Yardworks, Village of Riverside-Albert, Leslie Tracy
12:00 p.m. Exhibition Hall - open until 8 p.m.
12:30 p.m. Dinner at Dining Hall – Turkey
Continues until 7 p.m.
12:30 p.m. Light Horse Show Judge – Amy Colpitts
-Stake Race 12 yrs. & under -Egg & Spoon 12 yrs. & under
Kelly’s Bake Shop Shepody Lioness
-Stake Race junior -Egg & Spoon junior
Green Coast Energy Bell Aliant
-Stake Race senior -Egg & Spoon senior
Shur Gain Feeds N Needs Arbing Equipment
-Keyhole Race 12 yrs. & under -Ribbon Race 12 yrs. & under
Crawford Appliance Service Atlantic Lottery Corporation
-Keyhole Race junior -Ribbon Race junior
Sussex Co-op Ponderosa Pines Campground
-Keyhole Race senior -Ribbon Race senior
Atlantic Underground Services Broadleaf Guest Ranch
1:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Magician
2:00 p.m. Oulton Hall - Country Café until 4 p.m.
Sit & chat while enjoying a tea, coffee or hot chocolate
2:30 p.m. Draft Horse – Percy Gladstone Memorial
Best Overall Team
3:30 p.m. Lawn Tractor
Village of Riverside-Albert
4:00 p.m. ATV Obstacle Course Ages 16 and under
All-Weys Doors, Atlantic underground,
Tidewater Physiotherapy, Advance Savings,
Leslie Tracy, Kevin Williams Financial
5:00 p.m. Draft Horse – 4 In Hand Hitch
in memory of Raymond Dickson
-4 In Hand Driving Competition
Crawford Appliance Service
6:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Country Café until 9 p.m.
Sit and chat while enjoying a tea, coffee or hot chocolate
6:15 p.m. Announcement of Parade Winners
6:20 p.m. Oxen Pull
7:00 p.m. Oulton Hall - “Justin Bannister and Friends”
Country Music Concert until 9:30 p.m.
Justin Bannister (guitar & vocals),Steve Sears (lead guitar & vocals),
Dennis Fifield ( bass guitar & vocals), Bob Burgess (drums & vocals),
Tom Burgess (rhythm guitar & vocals), Crystal Jones (fiddle)
7:30 p.m. Entertainment – Hay Bale Roll
8:30 p.m. Drill Team
9:00 p.m. Light Horse Show
-Open Poles
Atlantic Underground Services
-Open Barrels
Gerry & Donna
9:00 a.m. Light Horse Show Judge –Amy Colpitts
-Relay Race 12 yrs. & under -Poles 12 yrs. & under
CR Yardworks Kelly’s Bake Shop
-Relay Race junior -Poles junior
Arbing Equipment East Coast Energy
-Relay Race senior -Poles senior
Tanya Everett Sussex Co-op
-Dash for Cash 12 yrs. & under -Barrels 12 yrs. & under
Ed’s Welding & Contracting Tidewater Physiotherapy
-Dash for Cash junior -Barrels junior
Atlantic Lottery Corporation Atlantic Underground Services
-Dash for Cash senior -Barrels senior
Village of Riverside-Albert Gerry & Donna
12:00 p.m. Draft Horse – 6 in Hand Hitch
in memory of Vernon Hudson
-6 in Hand Driving Competition
Broadleaf Guest Ranch
1:00 p.m. Dinner at Dining Hall – Roast Beef
Continues until 5 p.m.
1:00 p.m. Exhibition Hall – open until 5 p.m.
1:00 p.m. Oulton Hall – Country Cafe
Sit and chat while enjoying a tea, coffee or hot chocolate
1:00 p.m. Light Horse Show
-Costume Class -Lead Line
Shepody Fish & Game Dixon’s Repair Shop
1:30 p.m. Children’s Variety Show
Doll Carriage Parade
Farmer and/or Farmerette
Homemade Fair Themed Costumes
Trucks and Tractors (can also use bicycles)
Ed’s Welding & Contracting, Kelly’s Bake Shop
Atlantic Lottery Corporation, Gerry & Donna,
Leslie Tracy, Kevin Williams Financial,
Village of Riverside-Albert
2:00 p.m. Oxen
2:30 p.m. Horse Pull - Double
All-Weys Doors, Sussex Co-op,
Shur Gain Feeds ‘n Needs, Arbing Equipment,
Blakney Fuels
Don’t forget to get your 50/50 ticket during the pull!!