As the current Chair of Connecting Albert County, I applaud the talents that have put their efforts into building this publication into what it is. From the moment I had heard that there was such a way to keep Albert County connected I was in complete support of it as I felt that the four communities representing Albert County fell short on communication with each other in the past.
I have volunteered on the board for half of the time Connecting Albert County has been around. In answering the call for volunteers, I started out by adding events into the calendar, being a board member and then by taking on the position of Chair; all the while I was learning a lot about this publication. I’ve always had interest in the many qualities that Albert County has to offer. Whether you are in Alma or Lower Coverdale or back in Elgin, we have the history, tourism and family connections to keep us all sitting around a table talking together for hours.
As the community comes together and supports our little publication it will grow to become a needed fixture in our home. As my five years are up and it’s time for me to move on to other interests, I know Connecting Albert County will be here for the extended future and will see even more challenges than we did in the last 10 years. So here’s to hard work, a great publication and a community of inspiring people.
Congratulations on year 10!