sus·tain·a·bil·i·ty: (noun) the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level; avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance.
We are blessed here in Albert County! We have fresh air to breathe, ample beautiful spaces to enjoy, and nature’s therapy available to us at any given time. Through every season, we find ways to get outside and make the most of it.
We already have to sort our garbage. Now we have to pay a carbon tax. Isn’t that enough? No, it isn’t.
There are so many things we can do in our homes and at work to make sure that we all do our part. I’m certainly learning and making adjustments in my life. It’s not a new concept by any means, but it’s as good a time as any to do more. I’ve travelled to places, as you certainly may have, and seen the damage, the neglect and the abuse to precious coastlines and heritage sites. We don’t ever want the place we call home to be in that condition.
I’ve been placed with an absolute gem in my hands as Managing Director of Fundy’s Cape Enrage: environmental responsibility is something I cannot ignore. Luckily, we have some great influencers in our area that I’ve been able to reach out to. I worked for years at Hopewell Rocks where Noel Hamman, the Property Manager, strongly supports the self-appointed environmentally-friendly Green Team. These staff members practice green initiatives daily with eco-friendly dishware, rainwater collection, recycling, etc. (Click here for details).
I’ve recently met with Phyllis and Kirk Sutherland, owners of Ponderosa Pines Campground, who are very well-known in our area for their decades of conservation efforts! They were more than happy to sit with me, over a nice cup of coffee in their home, to share best practices and identify key people to connect with.
The past and present employees at Cape Enrage have been doing many things as part of a Zero Waste Initiative. As a leader, it’s my role to encourage and enable as many practices as possible so we all get on the same page. We have composting on-site and we are creating our own garden to supply fresh herbs and vegetables to our restaurant kitchen (initially implemented by innovative former Chef Jeremy Wilbur, whose values are shared by current Executive Chef Slawek Dobrzynski).
We will step up our garbage dividing to include cardboard and newspaper recycling. We collect rainwater.
At the Cape House Restaurant, stainless steel straws will be used, along with a transition to eco-friendly to-go containers. We reuse office printing paper, solar panels are included in any enhancement plan, and we continue to promote local foods and suppliers, etc. These, on their own, are small steps, but have a larger impact. Can you imagine ever making it up that last climb of Cape Enrage Road to see the site in disrepair or polluted?
To help us each find ways to do our part:
- Support your local farmers on Saturdays May-October at the Hillsborough Farmers Market
- Support your local artists on the Fundy Studio Tour
- Support our local employers and businesses. Find out more at the Albert County Tourism Association ( & Albert County Chamber of Commerce (open May to October).
Thank you for your current environmental efforts. I am open to suggestions, feedback and recommendations on how we, together, can make our region an even better place!
Annick Robichaud Butland is the Managing Director at Fundy's Cape Enrage.