Wondering why there's a crane on the Alma Waterfront? The wharf is being upgraded - good news for the fishing community.
Vessel parking in the Alma harbour has been at 150% capacity for many years. This has been a serious safety concern, not to mention the inconvenience to Captains and Crews, and has resulted in damage to various vessels over the years directly due to the overcrowding. In June of 2015 Small Craft Harbours announced that it had finally secured funding for the the Alma Wharf Project. This funding, in excess of 3 million dollars will create an extra 5 - 7 vessel parking spaces at a new extension.
Work on the new wharf began in April with hauling fill and rock to build the crane platform. Since then the pilings are in and the steel containment walls are installed and filled. This new wharf space is planned to be completed by December of 2016. The original plans also included widening, electrical, upgrades, and refacing repairs of the existing wharf. Unfortunately, the original funding announcement was not sufficient to complete this portion of the upgrade. The Harbour Authority is now pleased to say that the remaining dollars required have become available and they expect a tender announcement soon.
The wharf construction has created many disruptions and inconveniences in and around the wharf for Captains and Crews. The normal shuffling of boats on each tide has greatly increased because of the wharf repairs. Thankfully, the Captains and Crews are taking it all in stride as they look forward to the completion of this new facility.