We get people stopping in from time to time, lending to the story of the place we now call home. Whether there’s any truth in them, I can’t say, but they do make for an adventurous tale. From the collected pieces, a glimpse of the past comes to life in my imagination. A long line of extraordinary people stood here before me. The visitors tell the stories as if it were yesterday and refer to the characters as if they knew them personally. “Did you know, the feller that used to live here…..” is a line I often hear. From a crooked jeweler, to a famous seamstress, diamonds in floorboards and pearls stashed in the laundry machine, romance, heartache and famous writers and scholars boarding in the attic, a diversity of people lived here throughout the years. The old coach road can still be clearly seen through the forest today and we keep the attic door where boarders signed their names as a keepsake. It’s very easy to sit under a tree, reminisce on their words and let your imagination take you back.
The property is quite amazing: beach front property, salt water in the air, old growth forest, an apple orchard full of old varieties, history, micro-climates and list goes on! It’s the perfect combination of field, forest and ocean.
This beautiful spot in rural Albert County now grows fruit again, herbs and vegetables. We have combined old and new farming techniques to incorporate organic growing methods, polyculture, no-till permanent raised beds and permaculture design. We are farming types of food new to the area, such as hazelnuts, cherries, pears, plums, haskaps, mushrooms and dry beans.
Our farmstand is open seven days a week for the season and offers a variety of local farm fresh foods including; eggs, butter, ice cream, meats, cooking oil, oats, maple syrup, teas, herbs and spices and lots of fresh veggies! Drop by and take a walk through the gardens and orchards. We’re at 3578 Route 114 in Edgetts Landing, www.facebook.com/FundyFarmslocalharvest/ and Instagram #Fundy Farms: local harvest.