1 Tbsp kosher/pickling salt
1 Tbsp sugar
⅓ cup apple cider vinegar
1 large grape leaf
1 clove garlic
1 hot pepper*
1 Tbsp mustard seeds
Cukes to fill the 1-L jar
Boiling water to fill jar to the top curve
*Whatever type of hot pepper is ready at the same time as the cukes. Stuart has used Thai and jalapeno “to great success.”
-Process in hot water bath 15 minutes or so. Wait a couple months. Grape leaves are a natural source of alum for crispiness.
Contributed by Stuart Liptay
An excerpt from the Albert County Museum cookbook: Fiddleheads, Fricot & Frittata: A Hodgepodge of Atlantic Canadian Recipes. The book is $8 (no tax) for 200+ recipes and stories about the people and foods of Atlantic Canada. Buy at www.albertcountymuseum.com/giftshoponline or at the Albert County Museum in Hopewell Cape.