Recently, my youngest daughter made a comment about how my “most famous recipe” is my banana bread. It started a fun conversation between us about how she thinks I could make the banana bread without reading any instructions because I make it so often and it is so good. She really enjoys making it with me. According to her it is the best banana bread. I don’t know about that theory, but it got me thinking about my own childhood memories of baking with my own mother and grandmother. Truth be told the banana bread recipe I use was given to me by my mother.

It amazes me the memories that can come flooding back to me when I start baking. I love that these memories are happening for my own children as well. Both of my daughters are capable of baking things. The oldest does well on her own and the youngest just needs a little help with the oven and some of the heavy lifting but we all enjoy baking together. Memories are being made each time.
We would love to share your recipes and the memories that go along with them. If you have a recipe to share we would love to hear about it and the memories that go along with it. Email us at [email protected] with subject Recipe Memories.