Our community’s 1st annual Seedy Saturday hosted by Foods of the Fundy Valley!
The event at Caledonia Regional High School, Hillsborough will include seed sellers, garden-related local businesses and organizations, and we will be hosting a community seed swap. There will also be talks throughout the day.
Foods of the Fundy Valley will be offering their delicious soup bar at the event!
Seedy Saturdays are held across the country and around the world. These events bring together like-minded gardeners, farmers, seed savers and community members passionate about mindful gardening, food security and our environment.
What’s a Community Seed Swap?
Simply bring seeds and swap them! This free exchange allows gardeners of all levels to swap seeds with others in the community at the Community Seed Swap table at the event. It’s a chance to find unusual seeds or learn about something you’ve never grown before.
Presentations include:
Noon. Seed collecting: what, when and where by Bob Osborne, Corn Hill Nursery.
1pm. Tomatoes: from seed to seed by Greg Wingate, Mapple Farm.
2pm. Gardening with raised beds by Frank Cochrane, Cochrane Family Farm
3pm Growing medicinal herbs by Tatum Andrews, from Bear Roots Forest.
Come out to celebrate the beginning of spring!
Vendors that will be at the event:
Farmers Browns Greenhouse- www.farmerbrowns.ca
Mapple Farm- www.mapplefarm.com
Rainbow Seeds- www.rainbowseeds.ca
Fundy Farms- www.facebook.com/FundyFarmslocalharvest
Annapolis Seeds- www.annapolisseeds.com
Incredible Seeds- www.incredibleseeds.ca
Tansy Lane Herb Farm- www.tansylane.ca
Hillsborough Farmers Market-www.facebook.com/HillsboroughFarmersMarket
Cochrane Family Farm-www.cochranefamilyfarm.com
Corn Hill Nursery-www.cornhillnursery.com
Jems Preserves
Bee Wise Beekeeping
Bear Roots Forest- bearrootsforest.ca