We were fortunate to have many generous donors and supporters in 2017, and to all, we give our most heartfelt thanks. First and foremost, thanks to the Albert County Health and Wellness Centre and their staff, for giving us the space and facilities necessary to fulfill our mission.
We would especially like to acknowledge Hopewell Rocks for again hosting Albert County Appreciation Days on May 22 and September 4. This tradition of Hopewell Rocks giving back to the community has been in place for the past several years. On those days, visitors to the park are encouraged to donate cash or non-perishable food items to Shepody Food Bank in lieu of the regular admission fees. It is a win-win situation for all; local residents and tourists from far and wide are able to enjoy this world-class natural wonder, and help feed the hungry as well. The two combined events in 2017 brought in almost 4000 lbs. of food, and generated enough funds to cover a significant portion of our annual operating expenses. It is important for our community to know that The Rocks is a great model of corporate citizenship. So again, a huge THANK YOU to Hopewell Rocks, and to all those who came out in support of Shepody Food Bank.
On July 1st this year, two of our exceptional volunteers, Janet Hoar and Irma Vandenburg were awarded the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers. This medal recognizes the exceptional volunteer achievements of Canadians from across the country in a wide range of fields. As an official Canadian honour, the Medal for Volunteers incorporates and replaces the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award. The Medal builds on the legacy and spirit of the Caring Canadian Award by honouring the dedication and commitment of volunteers. Janet and Irma are the embodiment of this spirit.
Another significant event in 2017 was the receipt of a Capacity Boost Grant from Food Banks Canada, generously supported by the Walmart Foundation and Walmart Canada. A huge THANK YOU to these organizations! This grant provided funds to purchase a much-needed commercial refrigerator to replace our existing aging unit. We hope to see an increase in the amount of fresh fruit and vegetables that our clients can enjoy, as well as reduce the amount of waste due to spoilage from lack of refrigerator capacity. The grant also allowed us to partner with the Health Centre on installing an emergency generator to service the entire building, including the food bank.
Throughout the year, we receive support from area churches, local businesses and organizations, and many individuals; too numerous to mention, but they have our endless gratitude. This year, they contributed over 2000 lbs. of food!
Last, but certainly not least, we would like to thank the 30+ volunteers this year who have collectively given over 1000 hours of their time and efforts to unload the delivery truck, stock and re-stock the shelves, keep the facilities in order, pack grocery boxes, and do countless of other tasks necessary for us to continue to serve our clients with respect and dignity. Shepody Food Bank could not exist without them.
The Board of Directors of the Shepody Food Bank would like to wish everyone a happy, healthy New Year!