As we move into a new year, we look to the future with hope. Many of us went into 2021 feeling uncertain of our region’s stability and I want to take this opportunity to reassure you things are going to get better. Our COVID figures are not to be taken lightly, but I believe strongly that 2022 will be better. We as a community will make it so.
2021 continued to have significant challenges for the people of Albert County and their businesses, but we also continued to show the resilience and community spirit that are so embedded in our area. We continued to move businesses online, handle restrictions and safety measures, and make great use of opportunities provided by government schemes, sector-specific grants, and our Chamber’s very own Shop Local scheme. We were innovative with our businesses, supportive of our neighbours and endlessly hopeful when the skies looked bleak.
2022 may look like a year of promises. Everyone from politicians to industry bodies are keen to let us know that with effective business strategies and health measures we can be as we once were. I say we aim higher. As recovery begins, so does our chance to put Albert County on the map. I promise you that we will do our utmost to help and support Albert County’s businesses as we create new opportunities to connect with each other and move into a brighter tomorrow. I take my role as ACCC President very seriously and am proud to be a part of the journey to make Albert County the best that it can be.
Stay safe and let’s make this our year.
Annick Robichaud Butland, President, Albert County Chamber of Commerce
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