- Chance for youth aged 9 to 14 years in grade 4 - 8 to win $2000
- Chance for a high school youth aged 14-18 years a chance to win $10,000
- Talk With Our Kids About Money (FREE) WEBINAR For Parents & Educators
Chance for youth to win $2000. Participate in a national money fair (virtual). If you are aged 9-14 years of age (grades 4-8), create an engaging video on a money topic of interest. The top presentation, reviewed by a team of judges will win $2000 for 1st place; $1000 for 2nd; and $500 for 3rd. Videos should be a maximum of 3 minutes in length and include identification of the chosen topic, discussion of the key things learned about money and how you plan to apply what you have learned to achieve a healthy financial future. Final date to submit is Midnight EST April 1, 2021. Submit your entry to: www.talkwithourkidsaboutmoney.com Your entry can be in English or French.
Are you 14-18 years of age in grade 9-12?
If you are a high school aged youth (14-18) here is a chance to win $10,000. Consider participating in a national show case by creating a video that shows off your creative skills that improves financial literacy. The winner of the showcase will receive $10,000 towards future education or training; 2nd place $5,000 and 3rd place $2,500. You can participate as an individual or in a team (winnings would be divided equally). The winning submissions would be showcased on a virtual financial learning youth centre website for use by teachers, parents and youth to learn more about money, developing financial skills and be able to build a happy, healthy, financial future. For details and to register: mymoneymyfuturechallenge.ca
Talk With Our Kids About Money (FREE) WEBINAR For Parents & Educators
FEBRUARY 16TH , 2021 @ 8PM
(TOPIC) Why we pay taxes, the kinds of taxes people pay, and the ways to lower the amount of tax you pay.
To Register:
Questions and Information, contact:
Garth Wade, CFEE-NB
[email protected]
(506) 476-0598