Spring is just around the corner and many people have gardening on their minds. This past year seemed extra long, so gardeners’ minds have often wandered into dreams of growing their own food, foraging plants for medicine, and saving the bees while having butterflies pollinate native wildflowers.
Tansy Lane is offering online sessions to help with these dream projects. Hopefully some restrictions will be lifted later and we can offer sessions on site or at other locations.
April 1: Medicinal Herb and Flower Garden.
There have been many requests for more information on medicinal herbs and flowers. Incorporating medicinal plants into your existing garden is a wonderful way to connect with the plants used by our forefathers’ families in this area. We will present a number of plants with their uses.
April 15: Tea Gardens.
What an exciting thing it is to be able to go into your garden and pick leaves and flowers for your own teas. These are technically called tisanes as tea doesn’t grow in our climate. We can grow many plants that can be used on their own or blended with traditional teas. They can also be used for medicinal purposes or pure enjoyment on a summer afternoon or by the fire in winter. Learn which plants to incorporate in your garden and how to use them.
April 29: Vermicomposting.
If your backyard composter is too far away in the winter, vermicomposting is the answer. A worm composting bin is perfect for the winter and for apartment dwellers. The bonus to vermicomposting is that you get nutrient-rich compost for your plants. Learn all about this easy method of composting.
For details, contact Carole ([email protected]) at Tansy Lane Farm. Register at facebook.com/TansyLaneHerbFarm.