- Forgiveness – by Gayle Copp Steeves
- Erase Me From Your Mind – by Gayle Copp Steeves
- Familiarity Breeds Content - by Lunamuse 2023
The windows were broken, the door was gone The wood was worn and grey. The roof had a bad curve that broke my heart Because my great grandfather never built it that way. I jumped the ditch full of grass and weeds And looked for the old gate lane Over here the old stone well should have been So difficult to tell because nothing looks the same. I made my way to the steps of our old house Where memories were made as a child Standing with my hand on the old door knob I wondered if I should go in or depart. So many memories come rushing back As I moved from room to room A picture still hung on the dingy wall Oh what a feeling of gloom! In a frame of gold is a beautiful child Dimpled face, reddish hair and blue eyes To pause and gaze at this angel face Could only fill your soul with thoughts of Paradise. | Year after year this picture still hung On the grey baron walls Who left her behind to be all alone A ghost to haunt these halls? I turn and pause to gaze on the face Of this child of beauty rare Why did she never really understand What it meant to love and care? I close the door and stand for a while With my hand upon the knob I take a deep breath and close my eyes And let out a pitiful sob. Now in a frame of gold is the beautiful child That hangs on my living room wall No trace of her old presence is left behind Forgiveness can change it all. |
Pretend I never happened Erase me from your mind. You won’t want to remember Any love as cold as mine. I looked up into his blue eyes I smiled at him and said Don’t fall in love with me I will break your heart instead. It is much too soon for happiness My heart needs time to mend. There are so many changes I wish my old life back again. I know I can’t return To the life I lived before. It’s funny how a death can change Your life forever more. I know that you are angry For the things I cannot do But will you try to understand If I could – I would love you. | I’ll be leaving in the morning For a life I hope to find. I wonder if you will think of me Or if I will ever cross your mind. The seasons of life pass quickly There are many things we have learned I truly understand love can’t live When love is not returned. On cold nights when stars are bright I look up to the sky A part of you remains with me Because good memories never die. I wipe away the tear drops That fall softly from my eyes I know I really hurt you But honestly I tried. Pretend I never happened Erase me from your mind You won’t want to remember Any love as cold as mine. |
You give me pause to ponder.
I bet your nine lives have tales of wonder, about your days of plunder,
when you escaped your escapades by just a whisker.
There’s a saying - leopards don’t change their spots, nor tigers their stripes.
Is it the same for you, felis catus?
What are you thinking when you climb the trellis,
or creep through the lettuce, or, when we try to touch you, you deign to let us?
What are you feeling when you try to get us, with a rush and a pounce
and a grab, bared teeth and bare claws, clutching our naked ankles?
Nature gave you a little vibrato machine, and put it in your throat.
It’s perfectly tuned to make a human swoon.
That’s all we need to have, and all we need to know, to scoop you up and bring you home.