Have you, like me, been putting the cheese in the fridge without one of those nifty beeswax wraps to cover the cut end, and then finding the end of your cheese is all dried out? Rather than repent and change our ways, let's find a recipe to cope with our sins and pretend we meant to dry out the cheese all along. This is another fast recipe: you can make it in the time it takes for toast to pop out of the toaster.
We need just a bit of special fry pan technology to make this easy. I have somebody’s new ceramic frypan that I promised never to put on high, but you could use a good condition Teflon pan, the type that tears a big hole in the Ozone Layer. But for a real ‘scorcher,’ switch to a good old black cast iron frying pan and use a real man’s steel spatula.
Ingredients (to serve two)
4 farm-fresh eggs
4 slices of bread (e.g., from Oliver’s German Bakery, Hearth & Hive or other local bakers)
salt and pepper to your preference
2-4 slices of semi-dry cheddar cheese, crumbled
Put the pan on medium, with a gob of butter to slurry around… when the butter is a few moments past melting, put the toast down. (I mean start up the toaster, not verbally abuse it.)
Crack four eggs into the pan, proceeding as normal for cooking eggs over easy with salt and pepper.
Thinly pare off a few strips of semi-dry cheese, crumble that around those farm-fresh yolks looking back up at you. I like to make little cheese eyelashes to pretend I have company. Just before flipping the eggs, put a small nib of butter on each yolk.
Flip the eggs so they are cheese-side down, turn down the heat and butter your toast. In a few moments, flip the eggs cheese-side up on a plate beside, or on the toast, and you're done.
For a little added risk: when the cheese is frying under the egg, turn up the heat, scorch the cheese (which improves its flavour, but you may have to scrape it off the pan with a bit of extra energy, and there will be more scrubbing needed at wash-up time…something to consider if you can pawn off the clean-up on your partner).