3 large onions, cut in wedges
1 small bag of parsnips, peeled, cut into spears
As many medium-size potatoes as you have people, scrubbed, cut in wedges
1 small bag of carrots, peeled, cut into spears
1 small bag of beets (optional), peeled, cut into small wedges
Several handfuls of fresh rosemary, chopped finely
Sea salt to taste
Coat several baking trays with lots of olive oil. Place vegetables on the trays, turning them to coat with oil. I put similar vegetables together so that they cook at the same rate; you can slow down the vegetables that cook too fast by moving them to a cooler spot in the oven. Cook beets separately or everything can turn pink!
Cook at 350°F for 1½ hours or in a hotter oven for shorter time
Put the timer on for 30 minutes at a time and turn the vegetables to cook evenly.
Add salt and rosemary as needed each time. The vegetables will be done when they look, smell and taste done.
Source: The Albert County Museum cookbook, Fiddleheads, Fricot & Frittata: A Hodgepodge of Atlantic Canadian Recipes
Article: Rosemary Root Vegetables