C.R.H.S varsity girls started in September with a blazing hot soccer season. Hot, hot, hot. With many strong teams this year, Caledonia fought hard and pulled out two amazing wins and several tied games. Placing fourth in the A Division.
Ten points scored throughout the season by: Alyssa Campbell, Alexandra Morrissey, Hannah Morrissey, Kiera Lockhart, Makayla Fenton and Crystal Crossman. It was an incredible soccer season. Coach of the girls was Abbey Keith.
The soccer season wrapped up in early November just in time for basketball in mid-November. The girls' team had a pretty pleasing kickoff to the season leading to a close hard-fought game against JMA. Losing by only 4 points, Caledonia now has a 3-0 win streak in our league! It's going to be a cold and snowy season; some games were cancelled already due to cold and snowy weather conditions. The team has not lost many games so far, but the girls will still need to battle hard in every single game, as in soccer, due to strong competition. It is shaping up to be an incredible season! Coaches are Fred and Lisa Brown.
The senior boys' basketball, having almost a brand new team this year, have been doing extremely well, encountering strong competition with every team so far. Winning their first game against MCA on the 22nd, leading by 9. It will be fascinating watching the boys grow as a team and become stronger and stronger as the year continues. They are coached by Brian Woodworth & Ross Tatlock.
Wishing every team good luck this year! Hoping no injuries and many smiles.