Both our Little Rocks and U18 youth curling programs start on Sunday January 7th and run for 10 weeks. At the time of writing there were just a couple of spots left. If you would like to register for one of the programs or have any questions about youth curling please email Alan at [email protected].
January adult curling is starting off with a bang with our 2nd annual “Get Acquainted” bonspiel on Saturday January 6th. This early season event will bring together long-time members and new members for a fun filled day at the club. A great chance to re connect with friends and meet new ones both on and off the ice.
The bonspiel action really heats up the weekend of January 26th to the 28th with our largest event of the season. Our annual mixed bonspiel will see teams from our club as well as visiting teams from across the province compete to see who comes out on top. A fantastic weekend of curling, food and socializing to be sure! Not a curler but want in the action? Be sure to come out and cheer the teams on while enjoying a beverage in the clubhouse!
Regular league curling gets started the first week of January with on ice action every night from Monday to Friday. Don’t forget about Chase the Ace of Friday nights when tickets are for sale from 5:30pm to 7:00pm. After the draw why not stick around with friends, play some cards or watch some of the on ice action!
See you at the club and remember to “Hurry Hard”!