If you would like to talk to Melissa, you may call, text or email her to set up an appointment. If you can’t see her in Riverside-Albert or would lie to talk to her when she is not at the Albert County Community Health Centre, she can set up an appointment to just talk over the phone. Note that if you need to talk to someone right away, there is a 24-hour crisis line (see numbers below). If you feel you are in immediate danger, call 911.
Melissa Godin-Belliveau: call/text at 506-381-8808 or email [email protected]
Crisis line: 1-844-853-0811 available 24 hours, every day of the week.
The following information is reprinted with permission from Crossroads for Women:
When we think about domestic violence, we often first think of physical violence; however, violence can come in many different forms. It can be:
- Physical: Causing physical harm to a partner.
- Sexual: When a person forces their partner to perform any form of sexual activity without their consent.
- Financial: When someone has control over your finances, either by withholding money, or by interfering with your job or credit score.
- Spiritual: Isolating a person from their religion, faith, or beliefs. This can look like not letting a person attend religious gatherings, practice their faith, mocking the other’s beliefs and/or religion.
- Psychological/emotional: When a partner will intimidate and manipulate you. They will often isolate the person from family and friends. (insulting, humiliating, blaming, degrading, etc.)
It is hard to understand what it is like to be abused if you aren’t in the situation yourself. If you think someone you know is being abused, don't be afraid to reach out.
Signs of abuse may include:
- Second guessing yourself and not being able to make a decision
- Losing your connection with family and friends
- Loss of self-confidence
- Self-harm or sudden change in behavior
- Increased anxiety or depression.
You are not alone. Help is available. It is not your fault.
The cycle of violence:
- Tension building: The demands on, and the stresses in, the relationship increase. There is an increase in aggressive behavior.
- Violent episode: Abuse can be physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, financial and spiritual.
- Honeymoon: This is characterized by a calm, non-violent, or loving period of time after an abusive episode.