The new exhibit at the Albert County Museum presents the historical period when the Acadians lived in Albert County, from their arrival in 1699, to the Expulsion Order of 1755. The exhibit's presentation will be organized into five themes featured through 3 structures representing important aspects of Acadian life including home, church and agriculture.
- Provide the historical background of the original Acadian explorations and arrival of the first Acadian settlers.
- Indicate the locations where the Acadians originally settled.
- Present the names of the first Acadian families who moved from Port Royal to start a new life in the region now known as Albert County.
- Describe the day to day life and accomplishments of the first Acadian settlers, who applied their farming knowledge to build the aboiteaux, a system of dykes and drainage canals, to reclaim the rich marshlands from the tidal waters.
- Highlight the “Battle of the Petitcodiac” and the celebrated Acadian hero, Beausoleil Brossard, who led an insurgency against the British efforts to deport the Acadians following the Expulsion Order of 1755. He relocated to Louisiana with his family.
The Acadian exhibit will be a featured display at the Albert County Museum for the 2019 season in conjunction with the 2019 World Acadian Congress which will bring thousands of Acadians and their extended families to the Albert County region of New Brunswick. The unveiling of “Le Monument Chipoudie Monument” in the nearby village of Riverside-Albert will also be a major event held during the Acadian Congress, and bring many Acadian visitors to the area.
Information about the Albert County Museum's Acadian exhibit will be provided by the Chipoudy Monument Committee to the many Acadian visitors and the bus tours. The Acadian exhibit will become a permanent part of the Albert County Museum's collection. This project is supported by Tourism, Heritage and Culture New Brunswick.
“Many of the places and regions of this area, such as Shepody Bay, (Chipoudie) were named by Acadians,” according to Albert County Historical Society Chair Stuart Liptay. “Interestingly enough, one of the great heroes of the Acadian Expulsion was from Albert County. Joseph "Beausoleil" Broussard was from Stoney Creek. He was not only a militia leader but was also a privateer on the Petitcodiac. He eventually led his people to settle in Louisiana. We are proud to be telling their story at the Albert County Museum and hope you will visit to share this with us.”
The museum is open daily 9:30-5:30 from May 18th until end of Sept. It is located only 2 minutes north of the Hopewell Rocks. Admission to the museum is: $10 for adults, $8 for students and seniors, $25 for families; admission for children under 5 is free. Group rates are available. The Community Hall and Courthouse are available for private bookings and events.