Christina (Tina) Fenton was such a gardener. But she went another step. With her husband, Cam, she started Country Garden Nursery in 1984 in Shepody, and by doing so, she made a difference in the local scenery and in many individual garden endeavours.
One rarely visited Tina’s nursery without a guided visit to all her plants. One never left her nursery without detailed instructions about how to care for each species that was just purchased. Tina spent her winters buying and reading books and attending workshops so she could share her knowledge with her customers. Her daughter, Debbie (Ogilvie) remembers visiting her mom and being told a story about the uniqueness of each plant. “She knew so much. She was always learning about each plant. For Mom and Dad, it was a business of love.”
Tina was keen on sharing her ideas about garden design. Whether it was suggestions of placing plants to highlight their scent, or providing complementary or contrasting color effects, or placing specimen plants in key spots, she promoted creativity amongst her customers.
Tina and her husband Cam ran the nursery for 16 years. She was 58 when she was diagnosed with cancer. They managed to hang on one more year, but had to sell as it became too difficult for them. Tina died in 2000, leaving a beautiful property that still displays her and Cam’s investment of love.
Please send your gardening questions to info@connectingalbert