The Harvey Hall is celebrating its 140th year, 1884-2024. 2023 was a full year to celebrate at its Annual General Meeting welcoming a receptive audience of community leaders, civic advocates, friends, neighbors, the Harvey Hall team of advisors and board members, Village of Fundy Albert members of Council, including His Worship Mayor Rob Rochon, historians, volunteers, community activists, cultural advocates, and like-minded folks…it was a terrific and lively crowd!
President pro tem Jane Chrysostom conducted the meeting, keeping business short. We presented former President, Melissa Wilbur, with a gift of our appreciation as we thanked Melissa for spearheading the necessary organization for revitalization of the hall and her 5-year commitment toward those successes. We thanked and acknowledged outgoing board member Cyril Tingley for forty years of service to the Hall. We recounted nearly 1,500 hours of volunteer service by a board of eight and what those efforts realized for programming, community engagement, arts & culture, entertainment, education, and the restoration and preservation of an historic New Brunswick architectural landmark – one of very few in New Brunswick celebrating 140 years all continuously run by volunteers.
Too often, folks hesitate to volunteer, join a board, or fill an executive board member seat because of the anticipated amount of time and work that it will take in their already busy schedule, so we’re deploying a novel approach of VOLUNTEER DEPLOYMENT. Instead of recruitment and asking that you attend every monthly meeting or make a long-term commitment, we’ll ask you to sign up to be deployed for a singular event. Setting up, breaking down, or helping in some way – for a show or helping with a special project, event, or cultural program. This opportunity can engage those ‘willing but wary’ and those not able to – or open to – joining the board. It’s a great option to avoid that too-well-known burnout that so many volunteer organizations experience.
Afterall, it’s our very organizations that keep our communities thriving! Please sign up to be DEPLOYED!
Here’s our brand new website