“There’s no such thing as a free lunch!” Well, that’s partly true, but the exchange for a free lunch and breakfast on a gloomy start to a Saturday at the Harvey Hall was so worth it! More than two dozen Albert County folks arrived at the Harvey Hall as the morning skies slowly lifted wet gray clouds in early October on Mary’s Point Road in Harvey.
While the 55-cup coffee pot perked, the mouse-blown cups and saucers, counters and utensils had to be sanitized, washed and dried for the morning greet and goodies with tea and coffee. Not an easy task since there’s currently no running water or drain, so volunteers rallied camping-style and boiled jug water to do serious housekeeping! As the lunch pots simmered, men and women from all over Albert County arrived throughout the day to lend support and strong backs under the direction of Riverside-Albert’s Peter Brzezcki.
Throughout the morning clouds parted, almost symbolically, and the day grew brighter almost equal to the progress made – work shirts were shed as the warming sun comforted those taking a break for lunch – a hot lunch with a buttered roll and sweets was provided thanks to volunteers. Harvey Community Hall printed hoodies were passed out – a volunteer’s thank you gift to those who gave up a Saturday to “Haul for Harvey Hall”. CTV news shared excellent broadcast news coverage of the day’s efforts for the community, by the community, among the community – right there in the name: the Harvey Community Hall 1884. So much is happening, so successfully, and so heartwarmingly – thank you to all.
Note: The Harvey Hall gofundme page is active, and donations of any amount are gratefully received to continue these kinds of accomplishments!
https://www.gofundme.com/f/repair-harvey-halls -roof