If you have recently driven through Hopewell Hill, you may have noticed the former United Church has a new sign. Over the last few years, the owners, Charlotte Love and Shelley Garnhum, have worked hard to transform this beautiful building into Mount Pleasant Events.

Spring yoga sessions begin on April 20 through June 22, Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. Watch for the sandwich board at the roadside for your reminder to make time for “you”. Mount Pleasant will also host a 12,000 Step Challenge on Saturday, June 11, as part of ParticipACTION month.
An Open House will be held Saturday from 1-5 pm, July 2. An historical presentation, called Honeymoon to Heartbreak, will be presented by Shelley. It explores the diaries of Harvey resident, Orpah Reid, chronicling her marriage and travels with her husband, Captain Alden West. This will provide a unique perspective on sea life through a female lens. Some original artifacts will be incorporated. Her diaries follow her adventures from 1876–1879. Also, the acoustics at Mount Pleasant are ideal for a live music venue.
It is wonderful to see this old building being given a new purpose and being used for something positive in the community. If you are interested in booking an event at Mount Pleasant Events, please contact them at [email protected] or by phone at 506-386-7535. Also check out their website for more information on upcoming events: www.mountpleasantevents.com.