Here are some reminder tips:
- Lock all doors and windows; if locks don’t work, fix as soon as possible.
- Keep cash & valuables out of sight of your windows.
- Lock your vehicles and don’t keep cash or valuables inside; car alarms are good.
- Keep purses & wallets well secured; cash can be stolen but so can your identity.
- Close & lock your garage & shed doors, especially at night; thieves have been known to use the homeowner’s tools to break into the house.
- Secure upper story windows and especially doors to decks & balconies; ensure extension ladders are locked away.
- Leave lights on at night; outdoor motion sensor lights are good.
- Safely destroy boxes when purchasing a new tv, etc.; the box at the end of your driveway tells everyone about your new and expensive item.
- Practice Neighborhood Watch! Tell your neighbor if you’ll be gone and when you plan to return. Most of us are happy to return the favor.
- Stay alert and stay informed!