Urban/Rural Rides is a volunteer driver service that assists seniors in the area who do not have access to transportation to get to medical appointments. Seniors living in rural communities who do not have family handy
and are unable to drive themselves find it difficult, and in some cases, impossible to access the medical care they need.
Urban/Rural Rides seeks to fill that gap by offering a safe, affordable option by using volunteer drivers.
Volunteers use their own vehicles and are reimbursed $.46/km for the expense of using their vehicle. Volunteers undergo a simple screening process before driving clients to appointments.
Becoming a volunteer driver is a great way to give back to your community and to make an impact in a real and tangible way. Many volunteers find that helping others in their community this way enhances their lives as well and often creates new friendships and connections within the community.
If you would like to volunteer as a driver and help change lives one ride at a time, please call 506-962-3073 or visit
http://urbanruralrides.ca for more information.