The Albert County Chamber of Commerce (ACC of C) Board of Directors gives notice to the members of the upcoming 2017 Annual General Meeting. The meeting will be held starting at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, 22 March 2017 at the Hillsborough Golf Club, Hillsborough, NB.
Menu: Turkey Dinner & Dessert, cost $25/person, may be paid at the door.
PLEASE RSVP for Your Dinner Reservation BY 17 March 2017 via E-MAIL TO [email protected]
Guest Speakers TBD
The business part of the AGM begins at 7:15 PM.
All members are invited to attend to the business meeting, only current 2017 paid members are eligible to vote (One vote per organization as per By-law 12.3). Membership can be paid prior to the meeting.
Donations for Raffle would be appreciated.