The ACCofC wants to celebrate their success within our borders, and highlight their achievements to the rest of our province and region. Therefore, the Chamber is excited to announce the First Annual Business Excellence Awards & Gala, which will be taking place on March 24, 2018 at 6pm at the Hillsborough Golf Club, who will be acting as both our host and major sponsor.
Businesses can be nominated for a variety of awards by anyone from the general public and/or business community. A business can also self-nominate. The awards available are:
Business of the Year
This will be awarded to an outstanding business or organization that, in the past year, has consistently delivered optimal (customer) service, demonstrated best-practice procedures in workplace wellness, health, and safety, demonstrated innovative and proactive leadership within their business or industry, demonstrated measureable success as a business and/or as an employer and has practiced good citizenship and contributed to the betterment of the County.
Non-Profit of the Year
This will be awarded to an outstanding organization that, in the past year, has demonstrated innovative and proactive leadership within their organization or sector, demonstrated measureable success in their field, practiced good citizenship and contributed to the betterment of the County, and has developed the skills, knowledge, and performance of its organization and volunteers.
Emerging Business of the Year
This will be awarded to an outstanding business or organization that, in the past year, has been in operation for two full years, or less, has met an identifiable need within the County, and has demonstrated measureable success in their business and/or as an employer.
Tourism & Hospitality Excellence
This will be awarded to an outstanding business or organization that, in the past year, has consistently delivered promotion of Albert County Region, exceeded customer expectations in their industry, offers a superior-quality product or service, and has demonstrated measureable success as a business and guest destination.
Community Service: Albert County Ambassador
This will be awarded to an outstanding business or organization that, in the past year, has continuously provided intentional, personable, and consistent representation of Albert County in their sector and/or general public, enhanced County spirit and goodwill both within and without the County, and has practiced good citizenship and made exceptional contributions to the County by promoting community betterment.
Environmental Stewardship
This will be awarded to an outstanding business or organization that, in the past year, has made an outstanding commitment to sustainable development and operations as their normal course of business and in day-to-day operations, self-initiated environmental actions and programs beyond minimum legislative rules and regulations, and has promoted sustainable business and lifestyle within the County.
People’s Choice
This special community award will go to an outstanding business or organization based upon votes submitted online or by ballot by members of the general public.
Nominations can be made online at, by picking up then submitting an application form from the Town of Riverview, Village of Hillsborough, or Village of Riverside-Albert offices, or by contacting the Chamber.
For more information, to make a nomination, purchase tickets, or find out how you can contribute to this inaugural event, please contact Melody Land at [email protected] or by calling (506)381-8747. The deadline is March 7, 2018.