There will be family skating on the natural ice surface behind the Visitor Information Centre, along with a bonfire and marshmallow-roasting zone. There is also a Chili Cook-Off competition offering free samples to event attendees, who will vote for the winners.
Entries for the Albert County Winter Photo contest and winter-themed Scrapbook Page contest can be submitted for judging by emailing [email protected] or dropping them off at the village office by Feb 15th.
At the Mayor’s Cake Cutting Ceremony, talented local bagpiper, Ian Duncan, will perform in traditional Scottish dress and there will be free cake.
A spectacular vintage Snowmobile Show & Shine will display a collection of antique sleds provided by Golden Oldies Snowmobile Club. Master craftsman Rob Milner of Eternity Chainsaw Carvings will demonstrate the art of chainsaw carving throughout the day. Tickets for raffle baskets will be available on the day of the event at the Kiwanis Club; this a fundraiser for the Breakfast Club for the Hillsborough Elementary School.
Visit the Albert County Winter Carnival Facebook page to find a complete schedule of events.
For further information, contact Hanna at the Hillsborough Village Office from Monday to Friday during regular business hours at 734-3733.