This will be an ideal location for an artisan to set-up shop & display their wares to locals and tourists alike. The shops will be open 7 days a week, beginning July 1st to Labour Day weekend in September from 10 AM to 6 PM. In future years, buildings may open earlier in the season. The buildings provided will be a clear slate for you to set-up shop! Other than hydro, the rest is up to you. (tables, racking, etc.)
- The buildings for rent are 16’ W x 20’ D, which includes a 4’ covered deck along the front of each building.
- Rent is $80 per month + HST. Two months to be paid in advance—Rent is due on the 1st of each month. A rental agreement must be signed at the time of initial payment.
- Selling of wares must be confined to building interior and front deck only.
- It is the vendor’s responsibility to provide tables, racking, etc. Building cannot be altered in any manner without prior receiving permission from the Village Clerk.
- Applicants must be of legal age—18 years old & older.
- Shops must be open 7 days per week, opening by at least 10 AM and closing no earlier than 6 PM—shops may be kept open later if so desired.
- Shop & outdoor area must be kept tidy and welcoming at all times.
- Vendors are responsible for the security of the building.
- Approval will be granted by Council based on the number of applicants and the items being sold. If approved, continued occupancy is at the discretion of Council.
Village of Hillsborough
2849 Main Street, Unit 1
Hillsborough NB E4H 2X7
Tel: 506 734 3733
Email: [email protected]