As a key pillar in our community, we are offering you the opportunity to partner with us as a sponsor this year!
o Gold Sponsor @ $1,000
§ Premium exposure on all materials and promotions for the Golf Tournament
§ Signage exposure and verbal recognition during the banquet
§ Hole Sponsor included (signage with name and/or company logo on the hole)
o Silver Sponsor @ $500
§ Noted on all materials and promotions for the Golf Tournament
§ Signage exposure and verbal recognition during the banquet
§ Hole Sponsor included (signage with name and/or company logo on the hole)
o Hole Sponsor @ $150 – Signage with name and/or company logo on the hole. Representative from company welcome to sit at the hole throughout the day to greet the players and/or hand out company swag or treats provided by you, if interested.
This fun day helps us spread the word of the good work we do to benefit the health and wellness of people in our community. See some of last year’s highlights below.
Thank you for your sincere consideration! I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible in this regard. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns as well.
Bob Rochon, Tournament Committee Member & Director
Bennett and Albert County Health Care Foundation / 506-734-3491
PS Individuals or Teams of 4 can now register as well!
Members $20p/p / Non-members $50p/p
(add $15.p/p plus tax for Power Cart if required)
Examples of BACH's work promoting a healthy and sustainable community…
Albert County’s Literacy Express Program is a preschool program offered to 3- and 4-year-olds. The program is delivered on the second floor of Hillsborough’s Train Museum. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays kids are dropped off for a free, one-hour session led by Nancy Land, B. Ed, with help from her assistant, Lois Snider.
Tele-Drive is a volunteer-based transportation system providing mobility to people in our area. People accessing the service pay an annual membership fee, and a fee per ride. Our service is designed to improve the quality of life for people with little or no access to affordable transportation.
In December 2015, both the Riverside Consolidated and Hillsborough Elementary Schools were supplied with Stationary Spin Bikes through the generosity of the Bennett and Albert County Health Care (BACH) Foundation Inc.
The Imagination Library costs $60 per child per year but the families don’t foot the bill. Thanks to the Bennett and Albert County Health Care (BACH) Foundation, families in rural Albert County of all income levels have been able to use the free program since 2010.
We also sponsored the Sistema Program at the Hillsborough Elementary School to foster a love of music while building self-esteem, confidence and acquiring necessary life skills and more!
We were delighted to supply the medical equipment and furnishings for the new Albert County Health and Wellness Centre Satellite Office in Hillsborough through proceeds raised during our 2nd Annual Golf Tournament held last June, as well as from other donations.
BACH also supports Connecting Albert County.