Over the course of 2020, we will be hosting events, lectures, live music and celebrations. These activities will take place in every community in Albert County, which includes Riverview and hugs the shores of the Petitcodiac River to the Bay of Fundy. Albert County features some of the most iconic treasures in New Brunswick, such as the beautiful Fundy National Park, Hopewell Rocks, Cape Enrage and inland areas stretching beyond Caledonia Mountain in all directions.

Event Highlights:
Saturday, February 15. 2pm at Riverside-Albert Recreation Centre. AC175 Heritage Talk. The topic will be “Historic Sites along the Shepody River.” Five presenters will each give a 10-minute talk with photos about historic sites in the Riverside-Albert area. Refreshments will follow. Free to attend.
Monday, February 17. Family Day at Fundy National Park. Join us in the Salt and& Fir Centre as we bring sleds and toboggans out of our collection and showcase Albert County 175. Enter to win one of several prizes to be drawnwe are drawing at the end of 2020. Free to attend.
Saturday, May 16. Annual Opening Day of the Albert County Museum. View the new Albert County 175 Mobile Exhibit along with recently donated unique artifacts. Free to attend, with snacks and drinks. Keep tuned for announcements of special guests and entertainment.
Saturday, June 13. Re-dedication of WWI Cannons on the Centennial Anniversary of their arrival in Albert County. One of the guns was awarded to Albert County for winning the 1919 Victory Loans competition and the other was awarded in recognition of the large number of men who enlisted. The event will feature current Canadian Armed Forces, a flyover by an RCAF plane, a flyover by a First World War Bi-plane, and historical weapons from the 8th Hussars (Sussex). A Pipe and Drum Band will perform during a parade of our veterans and the cannons will be ceremoniously fired. An AC175 Heritage Talk and reception to follow in the Community Hall with the full history of the guns captured at Vimy Ridge in France and the story of their journey to Hopewell Cape. Free to attend.
Wednesday, July 1. RB Bennett's 150th Birthday Celebration. Celebrate the 150th Birthday of Canada's 11th Prime Minister, who was born and raised in Albert County! Featuring a classical concert by the Moncton Youth Orchestra and Sistema Hillsborough. Meet RB Bennett “in person” as an actor portrays him throughout the day. Free birthday cake and ice cream. An evening birthday event for RB Bennett will be held in the Community Hall featuring dinner and Big Band Music from the 1930s.Tickets must be purchased in advance.
July 7-11. 44th Annual Quilt Show and Sale. This year’s theme is “If These Quilts Could Talk” sharing the stories behind the quilts. Part of this year’s quilt and fibre show and sale will be the introduction of the Albert County Barn Quilt Project. Get involved and put yours up in 2020! Admission is $3.
July 25-26. Artisan Showcase. Art Show in the County Court House at the Albert County Museum displaying the best works of local artisans. Artists will showcase their best piece, and the story behind it. Free to attend, includes with an opening reception.
Saturday, August 8. 175th Birthday Bash Festival of Live Music.This is the big day: Albert County turns 175 and you are going to want to be there. The Albert County Fairgrounds will be the location of this showcase of local talent and activities including live music featuring some of the best musicians in New Brunswick.! A highlight will be musicians performing an original composition written about Albert County. Along with the birthday cake, there will be a beer garden and food for purchase. Free to attend.
Thursday, August 13. 10th Annual Royalty Tea. The focus of this year’s very British High Tea is Prince Albert and Queen Victoria, who in 1845 signed the proclamation making this a county and naming it after the love of her life, Albert. Tickets must be purchased in advance.
August 21 & 22. An Evening in the Parlour. An evening of music and historical drama in a lamp-lit Victorian parlour in the Court House. The playdrama iswill be based on actual events and community news of the time period in Albert County. Local actors and musicians will entertain the audience in this not-to-be-missed event held over two evenings. Tickets must be purchased in advance.
September 11-13. Albert County Exhibition. The Albert County 175 Mobile Exhibit will be on site highlighting the Land, the Sea and the People of Albert County. Along with this exhibit, heritage presentations will be given on interesting historical topics. Admission at the gate.
Saturday, October 17. 1845 Albert County Dinner. Traditional meal including menu items found in 1845 with heritage meats, vegetables, desserts and drinks. Dressing in vintage costumes welcome and local musicians will entertain the audience featuring songs of old. We are pleased to be sharing the agriculture stories of this region. Tickets purchased in advance.
Wednesday, November 11. Flag Lowering Ceremony at the Hopewell Cape Square. Ceremony at the Bennett Monument beside the Albert County Cannons as part of the region’s Remembrance Day events. Free to attend.
December 28-30. Photo Show AC175 Finale Event. Display of photos taken by residents of Albert County showcasing life from 1845 to 2020. Participate by sending your photos from years past and your love for our community today! The photos will be collected and added to the Albert County Museum’s permanent collection. The Photo Show will feature some of the best entries and prizes will be awarded in the categories: Historic; Albert County Today; and Youth Photos (18 and under). What a great way to celebrate the year! Free to attend.
In addition to these events, we will host AC175 Heritage Talks, monthly talks in communities throughout the county. Local and visiting historians will share the incredible tales of founding families, merchants, ship builders, historic figures and people of the tides who established Albert County – 175 years of stories! All historic talks are free to attend.
For more information and the full event calendar, visit AC175.ca or Facebook/AlbertCo175. Presented by the Albert County Historical Society and is supported by the Government of Canada, Province of New Brunswick, and local supporters including: Friends of Fundy, Albert County Tourism Association and Chamber of Commerce, Connecting Albert County, Ponderosa Pines Campground., Broadleaf Guest Ranch, Bayview Chalets and local community members.