An exciting issue if you are following the Municipal Elections! Read the responses from the candidates to two questions from CAC subscribers. May 10th is the date to make your wishes known; get informed now on key topics!
This issue also features tips on how to Control knotweed without chemicals, and infographics on the new Grass Roots Community Economic Development Cooperative.
Also included in this months issue is an update from ABConnect Travel & Tourism Services and the Village of Hillsborough partnership, CCRC Calendar Photo submissions, Music at Fundy Royal Manor and an ode to "That Tree," plus so much more!
For the food enthusiast, we have added more recipes for the CAC Guide to Healthy Eating. Are you possibly tempted by Baked eggs and spinach or Carrot turnip maple soup? These are just a couple recipes, read on to see what other tasty options we have in this issue, as well as a feature article on spring greens.