Please mark your calendars for October 14th to 16th, 2022. The village of Alma, in partnership with Friends of Fundy and Fundy National Park, is thrilled to be offering a full slate of in-person events this year to celebrate the start of our lobster fishing fleet's season. Please join us for music, food, fireworks, and a variety of activities for young and old.
Friends of Fundy is thrilled to be working with the Alma! committee to celebrate the 2022 Fleet Launch. Friends of Fundy will be hosting events at the Molly Kool Centre. On Saturday, there will be an evening of #fundyfresh food and live music. On Sunday, a Chocolate Sound Bath and a Community Mosaic Project, where everyone is invited to pitch in, are being offered.
Please keep an eye on the fleet launch website ( for the most up to date information and schedule of events.
Hope to see you there!