As we prepare for another great 2023 season, we are excited to offer events and activities for all ages.
12AM – 5PM at the Chignecto Recreation Area Pavilion. Geocaching is a fun and rewarding outdoor adventure that combines hiking and treasure hunting. Join us as we launch five new geocaches hidden throughout the park. This year we celebrate our “Love for Lichens”. Find all five caches and receive a limited edition geocoin.
June 21st Summer Solstice:
6PM-8PM – Join Mi’gmaq Elders on Alma Beach as they bless the water of the Bay of Fundy for the safe passage of Atlantic salmon returning to Fundy National Park rivers. Come celebrate this historic migration and be a part of the Atlantic salmon story of survival.
June 24th Craft New Brunswick “Beneath the Surface” exhibition opening and reception:
1PM at the Headquarters Amphitheatre. The history of Fundy National Park is deeply rooted in the arts and craft community of New Brunswick. Last fall, 20 remarkable Craft NB artists spent a week in the Park fully immersing themselves in the wilds of New Brunswick. Since that time, the artists have been working on pieces inspired by their experience. Join us as we launch this unique exhibition.
June 24th Launch of 2023 Summer Interpretation Programming.
Join us throughout July and August for daily programming unveiling the wonders of Fundy National Park. Experiences vary from beach explorations, guided hikes, exhibits, evening programs and campfires.
July 1st Canada Day Celebrations.
Free entry for all to Fundy National Park for the day! Family activities are planned throughout the day, ending with a concert at the Headquarters Amphitheatre.
Don’t forget – Seasonal early bird passes are still available until June 14th.