OCTOBER 3, 2016
Barry Snider – Mayor Jeff Jonah – Deputy Mayor Jeff Land – Councillor Mark Marcoux – Councillor Kevin Berry – Councillor Shari Kaster – Administrator/Clerk
Hanna Downey – Assistant Administrator
Mayor Snider called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM followed by Council prayer.
IT WAS MOVED by Councillor Berry and seconded by Councillor Marcoux THAT the agenda be approved as circulated. MOTION CARRIED (unanimously).
No conflicts declared.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES – September 12, 2016
IT WAS MOVED by Councillor Jonah and seconded by Councillor Land THAT the minutes of September 12, 2016 be approved. MOTION CARRIED (unanimously).
The Administrator advised that the 40 km/hr signs have been installed on Academy Street. The Administrator advised one complaint was received; complaint being 40 km/hr being too slow.
The Administrator advised that there are no remaining passes for the Hillsborough Golf Club.
The Administrator advised that the video surveillance package has been ordered.
The Administrator advised that the golf t-shirts for Council have been ordered.
The Administrator advised that the application process for Building Canada Fund is not yet open.
The Administrator advised that the radios to operate the SCADA system arrived and were installed on September 30, 2016.
The Administrator advised that she will speak with the Public Works Superintendent regarding a plan for dumping brush.
Councillor Berry asked if Aaron Nelson was able to attend the training for Eco360; the Administrator stated that Mr. Nelson advised the Assistant Clerk that although he feels it is a great concept, he stated that he has not yet been contacted by Eco360 regarding the new three bag system.
Cpl. Ouellette and Cpl. Deveau entered the meeting. Cpl. Ouellette updated Council on recent activity in the area. Cpl. Deveau stated that he does traffic enforcement for the South East District RCMP. Cpl. Deveau advised that he will be working in the area in October with a traffic enforcement team, focusing on speeding on the Route 114 and in the school zone. Cpl. Deveau advised he will be spending time at the high school reinforcing traffic laws to the students. Council thanked Cpl. Ouellette and Cpl. Deveau for attending and they exited the meeting.
Council instructed the Assistant Clerk to post on the Village’s Facebook page that there will be an increase of police presence in the area.
Councillor Land advised that four (4) of the vendors will be returning next year. Councillor Land would like to discuss rules and plans for next year with Council in January. Councillor Land stated he would like to discuss with Council if they are interested in installing more buildings; he stated that NBCC is interested in building them. Councillor Land stated that he would like to install a plaque on one of the buildings displaying the names of the CRHS students who helped build the buildings. Council had some discussion on promotion for the Village of Hillsborough; the Administrator advised she submitted a
write-up promoting Hillsborough in the NB Tourist Guide; however, she does not know if it was accepted.
The Administrator will prepare a By-law for the Village of Hillsborough and will advise Council when it will be ready for its first and second reading. The Administrator advised that the By-law must be read in its entirety and she stated this could be done at the next Council meeting or at a special meeting.
IT WAS MOVED by Councillor Marcoux and seconded by Councillor Jonah that WHEREAS the application to borrow funds for a new fire truck has been approved by the Municipal Capital Borrowing Board; be it therefore resolved that the Administrator, Fire Chief and Council liaison work on and submit a tender for the truck cab and chassis with the tender for the body to be completed after this tender closes. MOTION CARRIED (unanimously).
A meeting date was set for Thursday, October 13 at 6 PM for the Administrator; Fire Chief and Councillor Marcoux to go over tender specifications.
The Administrator advised $691.53 was paid in September; two registrations for the UMNB Conference and one mileage to attend Eco360 training; the remaining mileage claims for Eco360 training will be paid in October.
The Administrator advised the water levels at Well #1 were at least 6 metres lower than usual for the time of year. The Administrator advised that the eye on the UV system stopped working, which shut down Well #1 so we had to use Well #3. The Administrator reminded council that Well #3 has higher; although acceptable; manganese levels which can react to chlorine causing a discoloration in the water. The Administrator advised that the eye was replaced under warranty and we also purchased a back-up.
The Administrator advised that the Dog Constable appeared in court on September 20th and the defendant, who did not attend, was charged $720.00, and has until March 31, 2017 to pay. The Administrator advised if that fine is not paid by that date, the defendant is subject to a Category F offence. The Defendant was also ordered to purchase dog tags by October 28, 2016. The Defendant was served with the court order by the Dog Constable on September 26, 2016.
The Administrator advised that Blair Cameron has requested a jacket or badge indicating his position as the Dog Constable; Council is in agreement to purchase a jacket.
The Administrator advised the Women’s Institute is having their tulip planting at 11 AM at the Peace Park on October 5.
The Administrator advised that permits issued in September were valued at $36,120 for a garage on Pleasant Street.
The Administrator received an email from Tracy Wade, SERSC. The email states that the planning staff at the SERSC would like to make a presentation as an introduction to the SERSC to Council members, new and old. The Administrator will ask her if she is available on November 7.
The Administrator advised Fire Prevention week is October 9th – 15th and the Hillsborough Fire Department will be hosting an open house on Wednesday, October 12th.
The Administrator advised that October 1st – 7th is Wellness Week in NB.
The Administrator advised that she will be attending the Eco360 Budget Meeting on Thursday, October 6.
Council’s next informal meeting will be Thursday, October 27th at 6:00 PM.
Mayor Snider advised that there is a meeting with Hon. Serge Russell, Minister of Environment and Local Government, on October 17th at the Riverview Town Hall regarding the Municipalities Act. Mayor Snider advised all of Council is welcome at attend. Mayor Snider advised items discussed were Fundy Trail, and the new three bag system (Eco360) regarding their media campaign budget. The next meeting for the SERSC is on October 26th.
Councillor Berry asked if the census data has been received; per the Administrator, not yet. Councillor Berry expressed he would like to promote tourism in the area. Councillor Berry stated that Shediac has installed electric vehicle charging stations; he will get further information on this. Councillor Berry stated that he would like to reconstitute the trails committee and is taking names for anyone interested in joining the committee. Councillor Berry stated that he felt Alaina Lockhart made an excellent presentation at the UMNB conference regarding immigration.
Councillor Marcoux stated that the Fire Chief would like Council to consider installing 14’ doors on the fire hall extension. Councillor Marcoux advised that Heritage Hillsborough is looking to do a roof project, to be completed in two or three phases. The Administrator advised that typically fundraising is done to cover those types of costs. The Administrator stated that if Council would like to cost-share a new roof for the Steeves House Museum, that Council advise her as soon as possible, for budget purposes. Councillor Berry asked Councillor Marcoux if there are any figures from the “Emily of the Bend” book fundraiser that council contributed to in July; Councillor Marcoux will check the minutes from Heritage Hillsborough.
Councillor Land stated that Council has to have a discussion soon regarding a contract for the Hillsborough Drop-In; he suggested January after the budget is done. Councillor Land advised that he received a request for a crosswalk crossing Main Street at the top of Young Street; Council agreed they will not pursue this as they do not feel the Department of Transportation would approve this request. Councillor Land advised that Jeff MacDougall has gym equipment for sale and asked if Council has an interest in purchasing it for $12,500; per Council, no. Councillor Land advised he would like to have a meeting with the Friends of the Hillsborough Arena; Tuesday, October 11th at 6:00 PM. Councillor Land asked if the Administrator heard from NB Power regarding permission for the sign; per the Administrator, she has spoken to two (2) people and is waiting for a reply.
Mayor Snider stated that Chuck Steeves, Chair of the SERSC is willing to meet with Council regarding amalgamation and tourism. Mayor Snider will check if Mr. Steeves is available on October 27th during Council’s informal meeting.
Councillor Marcoux stated that he would like Council to decide on the size of the doors for the Fire Hall extension. Council is in agreement to install 14’ doors.
IT WAS MOVED by Councillor Berry THAT the meeting be adjourned at 8:36 PM.