The Administrator advised that the Municipal Capital Borrowing Board has approved a debenture for the Village of Hillsborough for the amount of $330,000 for a fire truck purchase, effective July 28, 2016. The Administrator stated that it is her understanding that a tender must be released within one year of that date. Council discussed the fire truck purchase. It was felt that the building permits for the addition should be in place prior to the truck being ordered; Council will revisit this discussion at a later date.
IT WAS MOVED by Councillor Land and seconded by Councillor MarcouxTHAT the Village of Hillsborough purchase a video surveillance package for $331.00 for the Artisan’s Village. MOTION CARRIED (unanimously).
IT WAS MOVED by Councillor Berry and seconded by Councillor Land THAT “Updates from Southeast Regional Service Commission Meetings” be added as a standing item under Item 4 -Agenda for Regular (Public) Meetings of By-law #45, a By-law relating to the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of the Village of Hillsborough. MOTION CARRIED (unanimously).
Council discussed funding options to pursue the Arena upgrade. After a lengthy discussion, it was decided by Council to pursue the Arena upgrade project (Phase 1) that has been prepared by Crandall Engineering having an approximate cost of 1.5 million. Councillor Berry took the position that he would like to see this Phase 1 as the initial phase and advance to the next Phase subsequently. Councillor Land will speak with Chad MacLean to set up a time when the Friends of the Hillsborough Arena group are available to come in and meet with Council.
The Administrator read a letter from the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure which states that as part of the Municipal Designated Highway Program, the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure will partner with municipalities in New Brunswick to share an eligible cost of maintaining and upgrading provincial designated highways within municipal boundaries. The Administrator advised that this proposed plan would cost the municipality between 5-15% of the proposed cost. The Administrator asked that Council highlight their opinions to her on areas for maintenance and upgrades before the next regular Council Meeting as the deadline for this is September 30, 2016.