RCMP made a number of points about policing issues in Hillsborough, including that social media is counter-productive for the RCMP when the whereabouts of the RCMP are being posted on social media sites.
IT WAS MOVED by Councillor Berry and seconded by Councillor Marcoux THAT the Council of the Village of Hillsborough APPROVE THAT the speed limit on Academy Street be decreased from a 50 km/h zone to 40 km/h zone AND THAT traffic signage is posted accordingly. MOTION CARRIED (unanimously).
The Administrator advised that building permits have been issued for 2676 Main Street and 3099 Main Street.
IT WAS MOVED by Councillor Land and seconded by Councillor Berry that WHEREAS the Building Canada Fund applications will soon be open, BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Village of Hillsborough has Crandall Engineering proceed with an application for the Hillsborough Arena for Phase 1, based on the proposal received from Crandall Engineering on May 2, 2016.
MOTION CARRIED (unanimously).
IT WAS MOVED by Councillor Marcoux and seconded by Councillor Jonah THAT the Department of Transportation 5 Year Plan be submitted with the priorities listed below and FURTHERMORE that the Council of the Village of Hillsborough has the right to refuse to have the work done if the Village’s portion of the cost is too high:
Year 1 (2017) – Pound Hill, Route 114 – Dig bank back and ditch behind sidewalk from the bottom to the top of the West side;
Year 2 (2018) – Widen the road and install curb and gutter along Route 114 from the Valley Baptist Church to the Village’s South boundary, a distance of approximately 600 meters. Also, prepare this location for a future sidewalk;
Year 3 (2019) – Repave or reseal the portion of Route 114 from Grey’s Island Road heading North towards the Village limits; where the curb and gutter work was done in 2007 so that the road surface will be completely finished (distance of 0.7 km);
Year 4 (2020) – Seal coat all of Route 114 within the Village boundaries, a distance of 4.904 km or 14.095 lane km;
Year 5 (2021) – Upgrades to Salem Road from Route 114 to the Municipal boundary.
MOTION CARRIED (unanimously).
Councillor Jonah advised that he attended a meeting with Chuck Steeves, Chair of SERSC and Jim Campbell and they discussed tourism, funding and means of promoting tourism in the area. Councillor Jonah stated that amalgamation was also discussed.